MSIG has been tending to your lifestyle and corporate insurance needs for more than 100 years. Indeed, we have come a long way together with you. Thanks to your support, we have garnered several accolades in our quest to serve you better.
Our customers would know that we are local by products, global by nature. In Asia, we have 16 operations tailored to the needs of each country. Across the world, our footprint covers over 37 countries and regions, including Europe and the United States. To reach out to you, we count on our distinguished partners in the respective countries - the agents, banks and brokers.
Wherever our businesses may extend to, our customers are ranked foremost in everything that we do. Our service quality, including expediency in processing claims, is one of our strengths.
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI), our parent company in Japan, has received sterling financial ratings from the world's leading rating agencies including Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service and A.M. Best Company.