Indara Insurance Company Limited (PLC) operations for all types of insurance are fire, marine and transportation threat, car accidents and miscellaneous. Founded on 28 January 2492 by an insurance company called นิรภัย limited to the year 2522 changed its name to "International Life Insurance Company Ltd." The new group of shareholders that owns International Life Assurance Company. A life insurance company business. To the general public know that the two companies are affiliated.
In the year 2531 has changed the major shareholders. New shareholders include Metro Bank Ltd. Bangkok Bank of Commerce Ltd. business group of Central Department Store Limited. Capital Securities Ltd and several other companies. Shareholder groups have developed new management systems and building security for the company's financial base by increasing its registered capital and paid 50 million baht from 75 million a year in 2533 by offering shares to the public. Prepared to lead the company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. That after considering the various steps the Ministry of Finance has already approved to receive common shares of the company at that time a total of 7.5 million shares traded on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. From 1 March 2534 to date in the year 2535 the company has increased its capital by another 75 million is 100 million baht to increase the ability to accept risk for supporting growth of the business and good service. more to its customers. In addition. The number of shareholders. Metro Bank, particularly in support of insurance companies very consistently. Until the Bank has been merged with Metro Krung Thai Bank in late 2541 years.
Like other companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company has become the company. "Company" is a "public company" according to the Securities Act and Exchange Act of 2535 and changed its name from. "International Life Insurance" as "insurance Indara" in the same time. The main reason is that the name change. Customers and the general public to understand correctly about the business of that company. Insurance business. Insurance is not always as understanding. From the company's name had the word "Life" (Life) and will be known as a different company with International Life Assurance Company. A brother, PT Company with the Company. The name change and become a public company is "Indara Insurance Company Limited (PTTEP) has registered with the Commercial Registration Department on 2 February 2537 under registration No. 286 and a complete Plc Act B.E insurance. . dated 24 March 2535 from 2537.